Michael R. Young
idealife.young@gmail.com 978-249-2722 Greenfyre Farm 6 Gulf Road Royalston, MA 01368 Links: Greenfyre Farm The Raphaelite Work The Sufi Healing Order Idealife supports people in achieving unity between their ideals
and their everyday lives, creating harmony in body, heart and soul.
Michael Richard Young, Mdiv. graduated Princeton in Pastoral Counseling and trained for three years in Psychotherapy with Rob Sanducci, PhD of the Mind-Body Centre, Kingston, NY. A certified Raphaelite Work Practitioner, Michael's approach incorporates transpersonal psychology and spirituality. As a hospice chaplain, Michael supported those coping with terminal illness and their families. Having worked extensively with health care professionals, he has developed an approach that addresses the whole person. People of all spiritual traditions have welcomed his compassionate care. Michael serves as a counselor to veterans with PTSD and offers clinical support to Project Healing Waters, which provides fly fishing opportunities to disabled veterans.